The Nashville Songwriters who perform in the Main Event at The Preview: Chris Wallen, Clay Mills, Bobby Tomberlin, and Marty Dodson — with Chris Wallin and Marty Dodson at On the Ober Gatlinburg Tram.
R to L George Hawkins, Gatlinburg Special Events Director, Songwriters Marty Dodson and CLay Mills, Brian Holland, Ober Gatlinburg Sales and Marketing Dept. Clay Mills wrote Diamond Rios "Beautiful Mess", Darius Rucker's "History in the Making" Marty Dodson wrote Billy Currington's "Must Be Doin Something Right and Rascal Flatt's " While You Loved Me". — with Clay Mills and George Hawkins atOber
Songwriter Chris Wallin. From White Pine Tennessee and best yet he started his songwriting career right here in Gatlinburg Tennessee at Chuggies. Chris wrote Kenny Chesney's "Don't Blink", Toby Keith's "Love Me If You Can", Confederate Railroad, "I'm Tryin" by Trace Adkins and more. — at Tram going up to Ober Gatlinburg
Betsy Cate with Songwriter Bobby Tomberlin — atTram to Ober - Gatlinburg, TN
Sound and Line Check with The Chuck and Billy Knappen Brothers! Shane Reman with Sound Theory Corporation and Joel Christian provided and ran the Sound System. — with billy knappen at Ober Gatlinburg Restaurant Stage.
Brittaney Swemley our teenager who volunteer to help at the CD Merchandise Table. — with Brittaney Swemley.
We had the best songwriters in the world on stage for the Main Event at The Preview L to R Marty Dodson, Clay Mills, Bobby Tomberlin and Chris Wallen. — with Chris Wallin.
The Get Acquainted Hour Food Table Ober Gatlinburg Restaurant did a great job. The hors d'ouvres were absolutely delicious and very well presented.
New Rain, a local singer/songwriter duo, performing during the Get Acquainted Hour — with New Rain at Ober Gatlinburg Bar/Lounge .
Betsy Cate, Songwriter Marty Dodson, Lisa Reagan Ober Restaurant/Bar Manager
Bobby Tomberlin with Iris Reeves Cash
The Nashville Songwriters enjoying the Get Acquainted Hour
Stephen Brown and the Hurricane Ridge Boys. They are apart of Gatlinburg's Tunes and Tales
Cyndy Montgomery Reeves - Founder of The Smoky Mountains Songwriters Festival
Nashville Songwriters Bobby Tomberlin, Chris Wallin, Clay Mills, and Marty Dodson with Cyndy Montgomery Reeves, Founder of The Smoky Mountains Songwriters Festival. Guys you are the BEST! Thank you for THE MAIN EVENT.
Brittany Swemley at the CD merchandise table.
The Nite Cap PartyMarty Dodson, Taz Cable and Bobby Tomberlin
The Nite Cap Party Chris Wallin Marty Dodson and Bobby Tomberlin