Paige Penney
Paige Penney is 11 years old and lives in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. When Paige was seven she had her first solo vocal performance as a member of the award winning Youth choir, Shallaway. Since then she was awarded Advanced Placement with Shallaway’s Jubilate ensemble. Paige has been studying piano and guitar with renowned Newfoundland folk musician, Jean Hewson. Fall 2015 she won 3rd place at Music NL’s Newfound Talent contest. And, as a result, was asked to play the morning show twice on CBC Radio with Anthony Germain. She has also played at the Holly Jolly Christmas & St.John’s “So You Think You’ve Got Talent” show along with other performances with her school.
In addition to her love of music, Paige also has passion for film and the stage. In the Fall of 2014 and 2015 she was in two Peter MacDonald productions (Scrooge and Santa’s Place.)
Paige played the Neil Murray Stage at the Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Festival Summer 2015.